When embracing a consumer’s perception as part of your strategic process, you’ll want to avoid going into an aggressive defensive mode. Instead, what you need to do is to empower them even though you have a disagreement with their perception of how your process works.
In order to empower consumers, you must learn about their individual concerns and deal with them as part of your entire strategic process.
By asking them, “what is your biggest concern,” and then giving them a genuine uninterrupted opportunity to respond deeply, consumers will eventually “break” and come forward with what’s truly worrying them about you, your process or myriad other concerns.
Most importantly, once we know the truth, we must not get defensive and instead embrace those concerns and offer a solution or an alternative that in turn empowers them to make a more informed decision and get through false perceptions.
Like it or not, consumers use perception to make their buying decision about how a business works.
For example, you may be a great listing agent and have knowledge and expertise well beyond your competitors, however, the consumer chooses based on brand perception alone overlooking your winning strategic approach.
Yes, it’s maddening, however, why wouldn’t they decide like that given that they really have no idea how the real estate agency business actually works; therefore they have to rely on perception based on their best guess!
The solution is to have a clear formula and convince a consumer by teaching them that you are strategic in your approach and proving to them that’s how the business actually works rather than presuming a brand does the work.
However, be very prepared to back this up with facts or you’ll be swimming upstream just like a salmon!
For full show notes, go to http://therealtyclassroom.com/podcast/ep08/
Listen to the episode to learn more…especially if you’re a veteran agent like me as our intellectual challenge is even more difficult to recognize and fix!
For full show notes, go to: http://therealtyclassroom.com/podcast/ep07/
On this episode, I want to emphasize a key point relevant to your journey if you want to start a real estate agency business:
Seller listings are the backbone of our business. I found early on my career that it's easier to default to do a buyer business. However, I recognize that with a listing, I have the opportunity to then subsequently find more buyers. There's no arguing that listing has the max leverage on the buy side vs. the sell side.
Now, listen to the episode to know more to have a deep dive on this topic.
Grab the full show notes here: http://therealtyclassroom.com/podcast/ep06/